Thursday, October 15, 2015

8.1 Clarity Part 1

1. I chose to focus on the topic "Add Needed Words". Word choice is very important when writing any written piece, which is the reason why I chose to focus on this topic. From reading this topic, I learned that different sentences need specific words in them to make them grammatically correct. Not only that but using needed words makes any sentence more meaningful and sound better.

2. I chose to focus on the topic titled "Prefer Active Verbs". This specific topic stood out to me because I tend to use many passive words when I should be using more active verbs. Usually I use a lot of non active verbs such as "am", "was", "were", etc. After reading this topic, I realized that using active verbs makes a sentence sound better and strengthens the sentence.

3. I chose to focus on the topic "Untangling Mixed Constructions". This topic is also very important since this happens when specific parts of a sentence are next to each other, when they shouldn't be together. I realized that I should avoid using words such as "reason" and "when" because using them incorrectly would throw off my sentence structure (sentence would not be concise).

4. I chose to focus on the topic "Provide Some Variety". This topic was very interesting to me since I learned more about different types of sentences including, simple, complex, compound, and compound complex. I realized that it is important to use these different sentences types since it will make the overall written piece much stronger/meaningful.


I learned a lot more about the 4 Clarity topics after peer reviewing my classmate's drafts. I know that everyone makes mistakes but there were many mistakes in their essays. For example, "However, the authors use logic to then counterpoint the belief that all acts of excessive force is racist along with the statistics of police officers being hurt or killed, which in fact can explain the need for excessive force in which this information is never as widely spread by the media opposed to the killings of men by police via excessive force sentence is hard to follow." (Felicia Maldonado, 2015) This sentence is a run on sentence and it is important to "Add Needed Words" and "Untangle Mixed Constructions". There were many sentences in this essay that were next to each other, when they shouldn't be together. Also, she needed to add needed words since that's what makes a sentence grammatically correct and sound better.

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