Friday, October 30, 2015

10.4 Analyzing Purpose

1. The goal of my public argument is to be able to convince the audience that women being the only victims of sexual violence is just a misconception. As a result of my argument, I would like people's mindset to change and I would like them to have sympathy for men since they are under-represented when it comes to sexual violence.

2. I believe that there are many likely and unlikely results of reading my analysis. Some likely results include, people changing their perception of men (understanding that they are also victims of sexual violence) and people doing further research to prove this claim even more.  One of the main unlikely results is people not changing their perception of men.

3. One possible result/consequence for my public argument is "changing how men are portrayed when it comes to sexual violence." This would make people aware of the controversy and this would change how men are portrayed on social media. Men are portrayed as the ones who commit the crimes when really that is not always the case. Men are just under-represented when it comes to being the victims of sexual violence. This would motivate people to change how men are portrayed on social media. Some possible actions people might take include, spreading the word (informing their friends that men are also victims of sexual violence) and doing further research to support the claim even more.

4. I believe that my audience would be individuals who are interested in the field of study (psychology) and have a general understanding of the topic/controversy. Definitely the people who already know that women are not the only victims of sexual violence are more likely to advance my cause. However, I believe that my public argument will be strong enough to get more people to understand that men are also victims of sexual violence. This will be beneficial because the people who thought women were the only victims would also advance my cause (after reading my public argument).


  1. Hi Anthony, I think you should be careful when you begin to formulate your thesis for your project. It seems that you argue that men as victims are under represented which is true! However it is well documented that most sexual predators are men. I only bring this up because you mentioned this statement which may confuse your readers, "Men are portrayed as the ones who commit the crimes when really that is not always the case."

  2. I believe you should consider what Andrew says. To not make this an issue i suggest you include the fact that many victimized men go unnoticed. This will tell the reader that statistics arent as accurate as they seem. Then they will consider all the men who's problems arent depicted to the public.
