Saturday, October 3, 2015

6.6 Analyzing Message in....

                    6.6 Analyzing Message in Sexual Violence Against Men and Boys

Does it appear that the author is trying to...

  • express idea or opinion? 

The author is definitely trying to express an idea/opinion. There are both opinions and facts in this article. The author wants the audience to know that men also face sexual violence, not only women! He states facts and opinions to back up his claim. 

  • respond to a particular occasion or text? 
The author gives many great examples such as the military. Men in the military face sexual violence including, rape, sexual torture, mutilation of the genitals, sexual humiliation, etc. He is just trying to prove his point that men face sexual violence not only women. 

  • inform the reader about a topic that is often misunderstood? 
The author wrote this article to inform people that women are not the only ones who face sexual violence. The author explains how men/boys are also in danger of sexual violence. 

  • analyze synthesize or interpret? 

It seems like the author is using the research data (statistics) to synthesize his claim, which is that men are also victims of sexual violence. 

  • persuade an audience of something? 

The author is persuading because he uses research data (statistics) that shows how men are also victims of sexual assault. He is actually very persuading since he states true facts and his own opinions. 

  • reflect on a topic?
I believe that the author is reflecting on this controversy. He believes that men are under-represented since women are known to be victims of sexual assaults/violence. 

  • advocate for change? 

Yes I believe that the author is advocating for change. He wrote this article to inform people that women are not the only victims of sexual violence. The author wants to change people's mindset that men/boys also face sexual violence. Not only women! 

  • move the readers to feel a certain way? 

I don't think the author is trying to move the readers to feel a certain way. He is just stating the true facts and his own opinions. He just wants people to know that men face sexual violence! 

1 comment:

  1. Your post is well written and it is an excellent idea to include the men and boys in your argument since it plays a vital role in the argument as well as discourages people from only siding with female victims. Everyone is a victim in a case like this and would you say that men may not report such crimes as often as women do as it may affect their ego?
