Saturday, November 21, 2015

Weekly Learning Reflection (Deadline #13)

The blogs I commented on are as follows: Andrew Rocha, Andrew Rocha, Steven Duron, Deb Ortega

I believe that I was able to achieve most of the Program and Course goals. The most important program goals I was able to achieve include Goal #1 which is Rhetorical Awareness, and Goal #2 which is Critical Thinking and Composing. I was able to achieve Goal #1 because I was able to "Learn strategies for analyzing texts’ audiences, purposes, and contexts as a means of developing facility in reading and writing." (Rodrigo, 2015) Not only that, but I was also able to achieve Goal #2 since I was able to reading and writing for "critical thinking, research, problem solving, action, and participation in conversations within and across different communities." (Rodrigo, 2015) I was also able to achieve many of the Course Goals. The ones that are the most important to me (that I was able to achieve) include,"Develop an argument with persuasive appeals to your audience" and "Locate and analyze evidence to develop an argument." I was able to develop an argument with persuasive appeals because I used many credible sources and quotes. Not only that, but I also used accurate statistics and imagery, which made my public argument a lot stronger. I was able to locate and analyze evidence to develop my argument because I used many credible sources and I got a lot of good quotes and statistics from them. Overall, I was able to accomplish most the program and course goals but these are just a few of the ones that stand out the most to me.

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