Saturday, November 7, 2015

Weekly Learning Reflection (Deadline #11)

 The blogs I commented on are as follows:
Steven Duron,
Scott Weber, 
Chris Gentry,
Chris Gentry,

This week I was able to achieve most of the program and course goals. But the major program goals I was able to achieve include Rhetorical Awareness, and Critical Thinking and Composing. I was able to achieve goal #1 which is Rhetorical Awareness because I was able to analyze and understand the texts' audience, purposes, and contexts. I was able to achieve Critical Thinking and Composing because I used writing/reading for critical thinking, action, and problem solving. I was also able to achieve many of the course goals but the ones that are the most important to me include "Develop an argument with persuasive appeals to your audience", and "Locate and analyze evidence to develop an argument". I was able to achieve "Develop an argument with persuasive appeals to your audience" because I used many persuasive appeals/sources to prove my argument. I used many credible sources to prove that women are not the only victims of sexual violence. Also, I was able to achieve "Locate and analyze evidence to develop an argument" because I found many sources that supported my argument that men are also victims of sexual violence, not just women. For example, I found an article that talked about how men are more likely to be the victims of sexual violence rather than being falsely accused of it. That is very shocking news but it's true since it was from a credible source. 


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