Saturday, September 19, 2015

                                                         4.3 Thoughts on Drafting 

1. What parts of the book's advice on the above bulleted topics are helpful for writing in this genre? 

The book gave good advice about how to write an introduction. For example, imagery is used to capture the audience's attention. Imagery is used in QRGs since it keeps the audience engaged and makes it less wordy. QRGs are known to be straight to the point since all of the information is usually on one page. Also, each QRG covers different topics which is why they are intended for different audiences.

2. What parts of the book's advice on these topics might not be so helpful, considering the genre you're writing in? 

I believe that the PIE format would not be so helpful for QRGs since they usually lead to long and wordy paragraphs. QRGs are meant to be concise and not wordy. That's why imagery is often used in QRGs.


I learned that QRG is meant to make a written piece more organized and concise. From reading Stephanie and Jon's blog post, I learned that Jon needed to work on transitions between sections, better organization using PIE format, and add more visuals to engage the reader. From reading Stephanie's blog post, I learned that she thought the guiding tips were self explanatory and I agree with her on that.

1. I have to be more organized. I need to break it up into different sections.

2. I need to add more visuals to engage the audience and make it more interesting to look at.

3. I need to find more sources and watch more Youtube videos.

The blogs that I commented on are as follows: Stephanie Vicenti and Jon Thomas 

1 comment:

  1. While I thought that PIE would help organize thoughts for this project, I could see the fear of making it too wordy. It is important for it not to get too long.
