Saturday, September 26, 2015

                                                   5.6  Reflection on Project 1 

1. What challenges did you face during the Quick Reference Guide project and how did you deal with them?

I had a difficult time understanding what a QRG was and how I was suppose to write one. At first, I thought the layout was the same as a regular essay but later I found out that it was not the same! I read the textbook and it helped me understand more about QRGs and how to write my own.

2. What successes did you experience on the project and how did they happen?

I experienced many successes on this project. Writing my own QRG is obviously a success for me and I feel very accomplished since I have never wrote one before. It happened because of the textbook which helped me understand more about QRGs. 

3. What kinds of arguments, rhetorical strategies, design choices and writing practices did you find the most effective for your project? Why?

I found my introduction paragraph, conclusion paragraph and visual images to be the most effective for my project. My introduction paragraph talked about Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks which relates to this controversy. My conclusion paragraph was well written and very meaningful. My conclusion paragraph was very persuading in my opinion. Also, I added many visual images which allowed the readers to understand the controversy as if they were actually there (in Wisconsin). 

4. What kinds of arguments, rhetorical strategies, design choices and writing practices did you find were not effective for your project? Why?

I think I could of improved my writing practices. I wrote a rough draft of my essay but I feel like I could have written multiple drafts. Obviously, that would of made my essay a lot better!

5. How was the writing process for this project similar to other school writing experiences you’ve had in the past?

I have done other projects that required me to use visual representations rather than a lot of words. So that's why it is similar to this project since I used a lot of images! 

6. How was the writing process for this project different from other school writing experiences you’ve had in the past?

The writing process for this project was very different from other school writing experiences I had in the past. I never knew QRG even existed and I never wrote one before. Most of my past writing experiences were writing essays. 

7. Would any of the skills you practiced for this project be useful in your other coursework? Why or why not?

Yes, this project allowed me to be more organized. Obviously being organized would be beneficial for everything that I do in life. It would be helpful in the classroom because being organized is very important when writing an essay or any other written piece. 

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