Saturday, September 26, 2015

                                        5.8 Evaluation of Rhetorical Situations

Source #1

Source #2

Source #3

                                             5.7 Developing a Research Question 

1. Are women always the victim, or are they also the perpetrators of domestic violence? 

I know that all perpetrators are not all men. I always wanted to do more research on women who are the perpetrators.

2. Are "victims" always completely innocent, or do some bear responsibility for their misfortunes? 

There are always cases where someone is said to be "innocent" but has responsibility for their own misfortunes. I always wanted to research more cases like this.

3. Is the Harm Reduction treatment model a valid alternative to abstinence? 

I want to research more about this topic because I know that one approach does not fit all (everyone).
                                                   5.6  Reflection on Project 1 

1. What challenges did you face during the Quick Reference Guide project and how did you deal with them?

I had a difficult time understanding what a QRG was and how I was suppose to write one. At first, I thought the layout was the same as a regular essay but later I found out that it was not the same! I read the textbook and it helped me understand more about QRGs and how to write my own.

2. What successes did you experience on the project and how did they happen?

I experienced many successes on this project. Writing my own QRG is obviously a success for me and I feel very accomplished since I have never wrote one before. It happened because of the textbook which helped me understand more about QRGs. 

3. What kinds of arguments, rhetorical strategies, design choices and writing practices did you find the most effective for your project? Why?

I found my introduction paragraph, conclusion paragraph and visual images to be the most effective for my project. My introduction paragraph talked about Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks which relates to this controversy. My conclusion paragraph was well written and very meaningful. My conclusion paragraph was very persuading in my opinion. Also, I added many visual images which allowed the readers to understand the controversy as if they were actually there (in Wisconsin). 

4. What kinds of arguments, rhetorical strategies, design choices and writing practices did you find were not effective for your project? Why?

I think I could of improved my writing practices. I wrote a rough draft of my essay but I feel like I could have written multiple drafts. Obviously, that would of made my essay a lot better!

5. How was the writing process for this project similar to other school writing experiences you’ve had in the past?

I have done other projects that required me to use visual representations rather than a lot of words. So that's why it is similar to this project since I used a lot of images! 

6. How was the writing process for this project different from other school writing experiences you’ve had in the past?

The writing process for this project was very different from other school writing experiences I had in the past. I never knew QRG even existed and I never wrote one before. Most of my past writing experiences were writing essays. 

7. Would any of the skills you practiced for this project be useful in your other coursework? Why or why not?

Yes, this project allowed me to be more organized. Obviously being organized would be beneficial for everything that I do in life. It would be helpful in the classroom because being organized is very important when writing an essay or any other written piece. 

Project 1: Tony Robinson Shot and Killed By a White Police Officer

“Cop who killed unarmed 19-year-old Tony Robinson was cleared in a 2007 shooting death” via the Grio (Dana Ferguson, Associated Press). March 7, 2015 (AP Photo/Madison Police Department).

Saturday, September 19, 2015

                                         4.8 Reflection on Project 1 Draft 

I peer reviewed Scott Weber and Steven Duron drafts. Overall, I believe that they did a good job writing their first draft. I got to understand more about their controversies and how the QRG is different within their fields.

I want to be honest by saying that I am not a fan of the peer reviewing process. Most people might think that reading what other people said would help but to me it doesn't. If the teacher peer reviews my paper that's a different story. When other people peer reviews my draft, it can often be confusing and frustrating. It often is confusing to me because people say completely different things about a specific statement on my essay. For example, one person might say that my thesis sentence is strong and a different person would disagree. Most of the time I disagree with what they say, which makes it frustrating and confusing. I like having my teacher peer review my essay and not other people since they can be misleading and tell me things that are not true!
                                                         4.3 Thoughts on Drafting 

1. What parts of the book's advice on the above bulleted topics are helpful for writing in this genre? 

The book gave good advice about how to write an introduction. For example, imagery is used to capture the audience's attention. Imagery is used in QRGs since it keeps the audience engaged and makes it less wordy. QRGs are known to be straight to the point since all of the information is usually on one page. Also, each QRG covers different topics which is why they are intended for different audiences.

2. What parts of the book's advice on these topics might not be so helpful, considering the genre you're writing in? 

I believe that the PIE format would not be so helpful for QRGs since they usually lead to long and wordy paragraphs. QRGs are meant to be concise and not wordy. That's why imagery is often used in QRGs.


I learned that QRG is meant to make a written piece more organized and concise. From reading Stephanie and Jon's blog post, I learned that Jon needed to work on transitions between sections, better organization using PIE format, and add more visuals to engage the reader. From reading Stephanie's blog post, I learned that she thought the guiding tips were self explanatory and I agree with her on that.

1. I have to be more organized. I need to break it up into different sections.

2. I need to add more visuals to engage the audience and make it more interesting to look at.

3. I need to find more sources and watch more Youtube videos.

The blogs that I commented on are as follows: Stephanie Vicenti and Jon Thomas 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

                                                              QRGs: the Genre

  1. What do the conventions of this genre - the Quick Reference Guide - seem to be? [Remember, convention in this context meaning “a custom or a way of acting or doing things that is widely accepted and followed”]
  2. How are those conventions defined by the author’s formatting and design choices?
  3. What does the purpose of these QRGs seem to be?
  4. Who is the intended audience for these different QRGs? Are they all intended for similar audiences? Or different? How & why?
  5. How do the QRGs use imagery or visuals? Why do you think they use them in this way?


1. It is basically a bunch of important information on one page. It is usually about  a specific and controversial topic. 

2. They are based on the audience and the specific topic since the intended audience and topic is different. 

3. The main purpose of QRGs is to engage the audience and educate them about the QRG (mostly the major points of a specific topic). 

4. The intended audience for these different QRGs varies since each QRG is meant for a specific audience. That is because QRGs are meant to cover different topics. 

5. They are usually used in the beginning of the QRG to capture the audience's attention. This instantly gets the audience's attention!


From reading other people's blog posts, I learned that most people wrote the same ideas for each of the questions. For example, most people said that imagery was used to not only capture the audience's attention but to also make it less wordy. Also, most people agreed that the intended audiences for these different QRGs were different since each QRG is meant for a specific audience. The audiences would be different for each QRG because they cover different topics.

The blogs I commented on are as follows: Mariana Beltran and Jon Thomas 

                              3.5 Cluster of Tony Robinson Shooting Incident Controversy

For my cluster, I included the main people involved in the controversy, which are Tony Robinson and the Matt Kenny. Also, I included "racial disparities" because many of the protesters believed that Matt Kenny was racist since he shot and killed an unarmed black man.


When looking at other people's cluster/mindmap, I noticed that they used a different platform to create their cluster/mindmap. I saw many that were very pleasant to look at and they were very creative! Most people included the sources they annotated, major themes relating to the controversy, and both sides involved in the controversy. I believe that using these kinds of tools is very useful because it allows us to plan out what we are going to include in our essay. To me, it is a meaningful step in the process since it's like writing rough drafts of an essay! This is one of the reason whys many people's final essays are amazing! Overall, it was very fun to see other people's clusters/mindmaps.

The blogs I commented on are as follows: Steven Duron and Felicia Maldonado

Saturday, September 5, 2015

                                          2.17 Annotated Bibliography in MLA Style 

Source #1: 

Savidge, Nico. "Madison Police Exonerate Officer in Tony Robinson Shooting." The Associated Press, 4 June 2015. Web. 06 Sept. 2015.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of this article is to inform people that the white police officer was not charged for killing Tony Robinson.

Describe major observations/findings/result

The police officer was not charged for the crime. Also, Tony Robinson and the public protested racial disparities. 

Forecast future use

To stop racial disparities. 

Source #2: 

Johnson, M. Alex. "Tony Robinson Shooting: No Charges for Wisconsin Police Officer." NBC News. N.p., 12 May 2015. Web. 06 Sept. 2015.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of this article is to inform people that the white police officer was not charged for killing Tony Robinson.

Describe major observations/findings/result

The white police officer who shot and killed Tony Robinson was not charged. People protested racial disparities. They believed the officer should of been charged for the crime and that he was being racist.

Forecast future use

To stop racial disparities.

Source #3:

Shoichet, Catherine, and Jethro Mullen. "Tony Robinson Case: No Charges for Officer -" CNN. Cable News Network, 12 May 2015. Web. 06 Sept. 2015.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of this article is to inform people that the white police officer was not charged for killing Tony Robinson.

Describe major observations/findings/result

The white police officer was not charged for killing Tony Robinson. People protested (racial disparities).

Forecast future use

To stop racial disparities. 

Source #4:

Workneh, Lilly. "Police Shooting Of Tony Robinson Forces Discussion Of Madison's Racial Divide." The Huffington Post., 10 May 2015. Web. 06 Sept. 2015.

The purpose of the article
The purpose of this article is to inform people that the white police officer was not charged for killing Tony Robinson.

Describe major observations/findings/results

The police officer was not charged for killing an unarmed black male, Tony Robinson. People thought the police officer should be charged because of racial disparities.

Forecast future use

To stop racial disparities.

Source #5:

Punzel, Dennis. "Reports: Tony Robinson Took Hallucinogenic Mushrooms the Day He Was Shot." N.p., 20 Mar. 2015. Web. 06 Sept. 2015.

The purpose of the article

To let the public know that Tony Robinson did this before he was shot. This is not something that would allow anymore to shoot someone but this article wanted to let the public know what he did before he died.

Describe major observations/findings/result

Tony Robinson took Hallucinogenic Mushrooms the day he was shot and killed by a white police officer.

Forecast future use

To stop racial disparities.

Source #6:

Berman, Mark. "Prosecutor Says Madison Police Officer Won’t Be Charged for Shooting Tony Robinson." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 12 May 2015. Web. 06 Sept. 2015.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of this article is to inform people that the white police officer was not charged for killing Tony Robinson.

Describe major observations/findings/results

The white police officer was not charged for killing Tony Robinson. People still protested and still thought the police officer was racist. 

Forecast future use

To stop racial disparities.

4 More Sources:

Source #7: 

CNN. "Breaking down the Facts of the Tony Robinson Shooting." YouTube. YouTube, 9 Mar. 2015. Web. 13 Sept. 2015. <>.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of this source was to show viewers the true facts about the Tony Robinson shooting case. 

Describe major observations/findings/results

The main finding was that Tony Robinson was unarmed but was still shot by a white police officer. This made people want to protest because of racial disparities.

Forecast future use

To stop racial disparities. 

Source #8: 

Kemble, Rebecca. "Tony Robinson's Family Confronts the Police."YouTube. YouTube, 7 Mar. 2015. Web. 13 Sept. 2015. <>.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of this source is to show viewers what Tony Robinson's family had to say about their son's death.

Describe major observations/findings/results

This made people want to protest and it brought up many questions of whether or not the white police officer was racist.

Forecast future use

To stop racial disparities.

Source #9:

AJ+. "No Charges For Officer Shooting In Tony Robinson Case." YouTube. YouTube, 12 May 2015. Web. 13 Sept. 2015. <>.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of this source is to inform the viewers that the white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black male was not charged for the crime.

Describe major observations/findings/results

The main result was that the white police officer who shot and killed Tony Robinson was not charged for the crime. This made many people upset and want to protest. They believed there were racial disparities and that the police officer was racist because he shot an unarmed black male.

Forecast future use

To stop racial disparities.

Source #10: 

LibertyNewsMedia. "Full Police Scanner Audio of Tony Robinson Shooting Incident." YouTube. YouTube, 7 Mar. 2015. Web. 13 Sept. 2015. <>.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of this source is to show the viewers the full police scanner audio of the Tony Robinson shooting incident. This shows the viewers what was said.

Describe major observations/findings/results

The major result was that the police officer was not charged for shooting Tony Robinson even when he was unarmed.

Forecast future use

To stop racial disparities.


The blogs that I commented on used APA and AIP style. I am familiar with APA format but not AIP. Overall, most people did a very good job finding sources that related to their major and were very informative. I really liked how one person used AIP format since I was not familiar with that! I used MLA format and most people used MLA or APA format.

The blogs I commented on are as follows: Felicia Maldonado and Deb Ortega 

                                          2.11 Evaluation of Social Media Sources

Source #1:

Mother of slain Wisconsin teen, Tony Robinson: 'My son was never a violent man'    (Mashable)

Credibility: "Mashable" posted this source but the quote was stated by Tony Robinson's mother. I wouldn't consider this to be a credible source since that is what Tony Robinson's mother said. I'm not saying she is not telling the truth but it's a family member so it's hard to know if she is actually telling the truth. Tony Robinson might have done more crimes in the past, but who knows....

Location:The person who posted this source is not directly involved with any of the events relevant to the incident. 

Network: No, there are no other individuals with institutional credibility that associates with is person. 

Content: This was just a quote stated by Tony Robinson' mother. 

Contextual Updates: This source was just tweeted explaining what the mother said. The person who posted this wanted to quote what Tony Robinson's mother said about her son. 

Age: Doesn't list their age but I think this is some kind of organization/company. 

Reliability: This source is reliable because that was the exact words Tony Robinson's mother said about her son. 

Source #2:

"The murder of Tony Robinson shows once again that violence against people of color is a function — not a quirk — of the US law enforcement system."      (NDBnewswire)

1. Credibility: Yes, the person who posted this source is NDBnewswire. This is a large company/organization. 

2. Location: No, they are not directly with any of the events relevant to this controversy. 

3. Network: No, there are no individuals with institutional credibility that associates with this person on social media. 

4. Content: Yes, this source can be corroborated from other sources. 

5. Contextual Updates: They usually post about this topic. They did update it when  the white police officer was not charged for the crime.

6. Age: Doesn't list their age but I think this is some kind of organization/company. 

7. Reliability: This source is not reliable although I agree with this source. It would not be considered reliable because it's someone's opinion. 

                                                  2.13 Ideology in My Controversy

1. Who is involved? 

A white Madison,Wisconsin, police officer,  and an unarmed black male (Tony Robinson) was involved in this tragedy.

2. Who are some of the major speakers/writers? 

There are major speakers/writers. The police officer who shot and killed Tony Robinson and Tony Robinson's family members are the major speaker/writers.

3. What kind of social/cultural/economic/political power?

Tony Robinson's family spoke in behalf of Tony Robinson himself. They claimed that the white police officer should be charged for the crime that he committed. They claimed that he was being racist. Many people protested against racial disparities.

4. What does each group value?

Tony Robinson family obviously valued their son but they also valued equality. They believed that the white police officer was racist.

5. Is there a power differential? 

Tony Robinson's family believes there was racial disparities. Many people protested against racial disparities. They believed that the white police officer was being racist.

6. Is there any acknowledged common? 

Not as I know of. Both sides had different stories about the incident that involved Tony Robinson.

7. Is there any unacknowledged? 

Yes, the white police officer claimed he did it under self defense while Tony Robinson's family claimed the police officer was being racist and should of been charged for the crime.

8. Do the various groups listen?

At the end, I believe that Tony Robinson's family believed the officer shot and killed Tony Robinson for self defense. But of course many people who are black still believe that the officer should be charged for the crime and that he was being racist.

                                               2.6 Evaluation of General Sources 

Source #1


Author: Lisa A. Phillips

Last Updated: January 6, 2015

Purpose: The purpose of this is to see whether male or females are more likely to stalk their ex-lover.


Torley. "She Wants To Come Out and Play...Creepy Little Girl With Baby Doll andButcher Knife With Blood". via Flickr. September 2, 2014. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.                                    

Position on Subject: Women are more likely to stalk ex-lovers.

Source #2


Author: Pamela Weintraub

Last Updated: May 4, 2015

Purpose: This source talks about how everyone self-talks. Scientists explain how it all depends on how we do it. They discovered that the right/positive words can make someone not afraid of their fears and makes that individual wise about themself.


David James Lees. "Be Mindful of Your Self-Talk. It's a Conversation With the Universe."via Flickr. May,7,2015. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.

Position in Subject: Positive words can lead to a higher self-esteem and makes an individual not afraid of their fears.

                                                2.8 Evaluation of Scholarly Sources

Source #1     A Study of Women Who Stalk 

1. What is its purpose? 

The purpose of this source is to show that females are more likely to stalk ex-lovers.

2. How and where is it published? 

This source is published online. I found it on "The American Journal of Psychiatry".

3. What kinds of sources does it cite? 

Most of the sources cited are from other online sources. The sources cited are similar to the one I chose to use.

4. Who is the author?

The authors of this source are Rosemary Purcell, Michele Pathe, and Paul E. Mullen.

5. Who is its intended audience? 

The intended audience can be both male and female adults. But since this article is about females being more likely to stalk ex-lovers, I believe that male adults are the intended audience.

6. How did I find it? 

I found it on "The American Journal of Psychiatry" using Google Scholar.

Source #2     Obsessed    

1.What is its purpose? 

The purpose of this article is similar to Source #1. The purpose is to show that women can be stalkers and they are often found stalking ex-lovers than one might realize.

2. How and where is it published? 

This source is published online. I was able to find it on "Psychology Today".

3. What kinds of sources does it cite?

This source cites other online sources. The other sources cited relate to this source.

4. Who is the author?

Lisa A. Phillips is the author of this source.

5. Who is its intended audience?

Since this source is about women being more likely to stalk ex-lovers, I believe that the intended audience is males.

6. How did I find it?

I found this source on "Psychology Today" using Google Scholar.

2.3 My Field of Study

                                                           2.3  My Field of Study 

1. What do students in your program learn to do? 

I am currently double majoring but I will be focusing on Psychology in this blog post. It is obvious that Psychology is the study of mental behavior and life. Students in the psychology program gain solid understanding of the three domains: Cognition and Neural Systems, Social Psychology, and Clinical Psychology. Psychology is one of the most popular degrees at The University of Arizona and that is not surprising since Psychology is very interesting. Not only is Psychology interesting, but graduates with this degree have many career opportunities. A Psychology degree is so versatile that there are so many possible jobs out there for someone with this degree! Going to graduate school is even better since the career opportunities are even more rewarding and fun!

2. What do people who get degrees in this field usually go on to do for work? 

As I already stated before, there are many career opportunities for graduates with a Psychology degree. A graduate with a Psychology degree can basically have any job they want since this degree is very versatile. The career opportunities are even more rewarding with more education. Most graduates with this degree go to graduate school to become either a psychologist or any other occupations in the health/medical field.

3. What drew you to this field? 

I chose to study Psychology because this degree allows individuals the opportunity for personal growth and there are countless numbers of career opportunities. This is the reason why Psychology is one of the most popular majors in the world! One of the strengths of a psychology degree is the variety of career paths for graduates. The career opportunities are even more rewarding with more education. Another reason that drew me to this field includes the fact that a psychology degree is an excellent way to learn more about yourself and others. I always wondered about human behaviors and other topics that is related to psychology. In addition to this, psychology is basically needed in every possible job in our society. That is why it is very important to have a solid understanding of everything related to psychology. Another reason why I wanted to study this major in college is that the job outlook for Psychology majors is very good. It was predicted that the employment of psychologists was expected to increase at a rate of about 18 percent through the year of 2020. There is a high demand for psychological services in hospitals, schools, rehab centers, substance abuse treatment centers, and so on. Another reason why I chose this major is that I like working with other people and making a difference in people's lives. I've always had a passion for volunteering and helping other people. I have experience working with special education students which will truly help me in the future. Hands on experience is very important and I know that I will benefit from that past experience. I will definitely benefit from that past experience when I apply to graduate schools and when I start working after I graduate from college. Another reason why I chose this major is because I find Psychology very interesting. I also did very well in my first psychology class since I got an A in that class. I know that I will have a bright future studying Psychology and my other major here at The University of Arizona. My plan is to graduate from college, apply to graduate school, and then pursue my dream job in the health field!

4. Who are the leaders/most exciting people involved in your field right now?

Some of the most important people in the Psychology field include B.F. Skinner, Sigmund Freud, Ivan Pavlov, Kurt Lewin, Jean Piaget, and many other psychologists.

5. What are the leading academic/scholarly journals in your field? Where are they published? Give us the names and locations of at least 3.         

The Interpretation of Dreams

Science and Human Behavior

The Origins of Intelligence in Children


One person was also majoring in Psychology. I found out that this person was fascinated by how the brain works and why we do the things we do. This is similar to me because I also find that to be very interesting! Another person was planning on majoring in Criminal Justice Studies which is really cool. This person wanted to major in Criminal Justice Studies because he wanted to solve crimes. Solving crimes does bring closure for families and loved ones. Graduates with this major can become a crime scene investigator which is really cool. I love the show CSI and this person wants to actually be a detective!

The blogs I commented on are as follows: Krissandra McNeil and Chris Gentry